How to Take Panorama Shots using the LMC 8.4 (GCam Mod) Camera?

Friends, do you know photography has become easy in this modern age as you don’t need to buy any expensive camera to capture beautiful images nowadays? People are capturing so many beautiful pictures with their mobile devices and that’s why we don’t need any other device. If we go to slightly more expensive mobiles, their camera quality is like a DSLR.

Also, even if you don’t have a high-end mobile device, you can still get your work done with a variety of camera apps. I also do photography with a camera app called Lmc 8.4 which is also known as Gcam Mod and with it I take portraits, panoramas, and more.

I use this GCam Mod application most of the time to take panorama photos because it can take very beautiful pictures and does not break any image view. If you also want to take panorama photos with the LMC 8.4 camera professionally like me, then definitely keep reading this article without skipping.

A short Introduction to LMC 8.4 (GCam Mod)

LMC is a Google mod camera with which you can capture beautiful images & the lens used in this camera is also the same as in Google Pixel devices. Here, the 8.4 is the latest version of this camera which is the most stable and works with all the latest devices. The popular features of this camera are HDR+ mode, night sight, panorama mode, and time-lapse video recording.

This camera app is made by a developer named Hasli and shared publicly so that all users who can’t afford a high-end mobile device or an expensive camera can use it. Believe it or not, every day at least one lakh people search Google to download this application.

What is Panorama Photography?

Panorama Shots

So, panorama shots are big, wide, and beautiful, but they are not always the easiest to create with our normal phone’s camera. While it seems easy because you just turn on the panorama mode and pan around, and it does everything automatically, it won’t give you the best quality your camera can achieve. I want to take you through the entire process, from discussing the camera apps to composition, to how to actually take the shot.

The truth is, you can do panorama photography with pretty much any lens. But I like to use the LMC 8.4 application because it can be expensive to buy lenses. I shoot a lot of landscapes, and quite often with panoramas. The scene you’re shooting may be far away so, having a good camera to get into that view is beneficial. However, if you’re doing something like architecture, or shooting in a forest, where you want to capture a panorama, something wider would work.

The Aspects should be checked before taking Shots.

I have discussed in detail below the things that we need to check before taking Panorama Shots. Of course, see them first and then proceed to the procedure on how to start taking images.

  • Hold your phone steadily: Whenever you start taking shots, keep the phone perfectly still and steady your hand so that it doesn’t move too much if not there is a possibility that this image will be distorted or blurry.
  • Position yourself: Position yourself well before taking the shot so that the image is produced in good quality. Start from the far left or far right of the object you want to take a panorama photo of and make sure the lighting and framing are balanced.
  • Move the Camera Smoothly: After pressing the shutter button, move the phone slowly and smoothly along the vertical path of the object. If you can’t use it properly, the camera will give you instructions on how to use it, such as what speed and direction to move.

How to Take Panorama Shots using the LMC 8.4 app?

So friends let’s see how we can take panorama shots using LMC 8.4 application by following step by step process. If you miss any step this process will not work because any mistakes will fail to produce the perfect image.

  • Step 1: First open the LMC camera app from the menu of your phone.
Step 1
  • Step 2: Tap to the “Modes” option on the right side.
Step 2
  • Step 3: Select the panorama mode to start shooting a perfect panorama shot.
Step 3

Images Captured using the LMC 8.4 Panorama Mode

Dear, check the below photos I have captured myself using the panorama mode of the LMC application.

Tips for Capturing the Best Panorama Shots

So, friends, I hope you have followed the process of taking panorama shots step by step. So let’s take a look at some advanced tips with which you can enhance your photography experience.

  • Lighting and Weather Conditions: Light plays a very huge role in producing any good quality or bad quality image, for example, if the light is too low or too bright, the image will not come out well. On the other hand, in perfect lighting conditions any image can be produced well, be it portrait or panorama. It is best to shoot in the early mornings or late afternoons when there is natural light.
  • Select the Right Scene: Panorama shots are great for wide and open spaces, such as mountains, beaches, and city skylines that work well particularly. The environments that have lots of moving objects, avoid such places as it can confuse the camera and disrupt the process.
  • Use a Tripod: If you want to take panorama shots like a professional photographer then I would definitely suggest you use a tripod. It helps keep the phone steady and reduces the risk of shaky images and as of my experience, a small, portable tripod is ideal for mobile photography.
  • Try Different Angles and Heights: Whenever you want to try something new, you must experiment, this is how you can become a professional photographer. The little experiments I’m talking about here are shooting panoramas at different angles and heights, and tilting the phone slightly upwards or downwards to easily capture the sky and foreground objects like flowers or rocks.

Avoid these mistakes in Panorama Mode

My dear friend panorama shooting may seem easy to you but some important things must be remembered and some mistakes to be avoided otherwise you will try thousands of times but your efforts are good for nothing. So, check the below points and avoid the mistakes.

  • Moving the phone fast: The biggest mistake people make when taking a panorama shot is that they move their phone too fast as a result, the image may become blurred. So move slowly and give the camera time to capture each frame.
  • Not seeing the on-screen guide: If you can’t shoot properly, the camera will give you an on-screen guide and you should never ignore that.
  • Selecting complex areas: Always take panorama shots for the perfect wide landscape and avoid places with lots of moving objects.


So guys thank you for reading the article and I hope I have given my 100% to the article to make sure that you can properly use the LMC 8.4 application to take beautiful panorama shots. After reading this article, if you feel something that you do not understand, you can comment below. But one request to you is that if any problem arises without reading the article tips, please don’t comment.

If you have any further questions regarding this camera, please feel free to contact me. That’s it for today. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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