Do you want to download the LMC 8.4 camera APK on your device to capture stunning photos like a DSLR? But, one question might always pop into your head: Is this app safe to use? If the answer is yes, then my friend, I assure you that after reading this entire article, all your doubts about this topic will vanish. In simple words, you will get a clear answer on whether to download and use this app or not.
I promise that if you search all over the internet, you won’t find an article that explains this topic so well.
I am a long-time user of this app, so in my opinion, no one can explain better than me whether this app is safe to use or not. In one word, you can learn about this app from an experienced user.
So, without further introduction, let’s discuss the main topic.
Is the LMC 8.4 APK safe to use?
My Personal Experience: I am a professional photographer and I have been using this app for a long time to take pictures for my professional projects. So far, I haven’t faced any safety-related issues using this app. So, from that point of view, I can say that this app is safe to use.
Other Users Review: I also asked some of my professional colleagues who use this app if they have faced any safety issues after using it. They told me that they had never encountered any issues. Their experience regarding the safety of this app is very positive
My Advice: After reading the above text, you might have your answer about whether to use this app or not. However, we can’t deny the fact that this is a third-party app, so while it might not have caused any issues for me or others, it is not guaranteed that it won’t create any safety issues in your case. Therefore, my advice is to use this app at your own risk. If possible, check this app with any virus-detecting software as well.
Results After Testing It Using VirusTotal
I tested this app using the highly trusted software VirusTotal and found some viruses in it. As I care deeply about my users, I advise you not to download or use this app. Instead, you can use your phone’s stock camera, as by 2024, all smartphone cameras have become better than Google Camera, and there is no risk of your device getting infected with a virus.
Above I discussed some important points with the basis of which you can determine on your own, whether the LMC 8.4 app is safe to use or not. However, after reading this entire post, if any doubt comes to your mind, fell free to contact me. I will try to provide you with an appropriate solution as quickly as possible. Thank You.